Click a Martial Arts Program Below for more details.

Training MMA Classes is Exciting. You learn all aspects the Sport and the workout is Fast Paced.

mixed martial arts

When you take a Kickboxing Class from one of our Instructors you will be hooked

muay thai kickboxing

In Sport or Self Defense, Jiu Jitsu Classes will give you great confidence and physical stamina.


Kids love Martial Arts Classes! when taught right they learn important life skills that will give them an edge.

kids martial arts classes

The perfect balance for those who want to learn some practical Defense skills while focusing on Getting LEAN.

Self Defense Classes

Victory Martial Arts Chicago|Naperville|Founder Speaks out

Victory Martial Arts Chicago-Naperville

Victory Martial Arts Founder Dion Riccardo talks about Success vs Significance.

A Rant from a Naperville Martial Arts Instructor founder about Success vs Significance.

Whats the difference between Success and Significance.?

What is Success?

Success is the attaining of a worthwhile goal. It’s important to feel Success. It’s the way we are built.

The birthplace For our confidence to try new things is in our success. That’s why it’s important to become A master goal GETTER. Not so much because of what we GAIN MATERIAL WISE from reaching our goal.

But rather, the adversity and obstacles that we must overcome serve as a proving ground. In the journey toward our goal, what we become and the CONFIDENCE to site in a new goal is the true benefit.

Confidence brings us all one step closer to reaching our Potential in life is the true rewards of Success. We all have a need to reach our potential. This is self focused and needed.

What is Significance?

Significance is helping someone else reach their worthwhile goal. Significance is also a part of the human DNA.

We all love the feeling when We see a hero selflessly rescues someone in harms way. To feel significant,Is to fulfill your PURPOSE in life. It answers WHY I am here. Not WHAT I can become.

When we help someone reach their worthwhile goal, we serve our high purpose and we feel significant. The REWARDS of a life of significance is PEACE. It’s a deepest knowing and stability. No up & down weeks, ruts and slumps.

Do not underestimate PEACE. It’s fatal, just think of all the celebrity’s who gain success but lose their lives. their is nothing like climbing up the ladder of SUCCESS only to find you climbed the wrong one.

We need peace to weather life’s storm. it comes from living a life that looks to SERVE people in need either if THEY know it or not. Thus, we all must not only focus on gaining success on purpose, we must also focus on SIGNIFICANCE with even more vigor.

Dina and I are fortunate, we get to pursue both success and significance as our life’s work. Some call it a business, I see it more like our PASSION a MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION. I learned when I was 17 that martial arts was the vehicle for living my purpose in life. Their are rewards of serving others your PASSION and it benefits you to know your passion and purpose sooner than later.

We have had many occasions where we were called to give up our goals to help someone else attain theirs. These same Chicago Martial Arts classes-Naperville Martial Arts classespeople many times lavish our life’s with Gifts of gratitude. Our intention was never to receive gifts from our significant actions. Our intention was to live our purpose. Those sacrifices have brought great enduring blessings and peace into our lives even if we did not SEE it for years after doing something significant for others.

Does it ever blow up back on you. Yes! But we survived those storms knowing we did our best, allowed ourselves to be a little vulnerable so someone else could benefit and we had PEACE which gave us the confidence to wipe ourselves off and do it again for some one else. No goal, just passion to see others succeed in hopes that they will do something significant for others.

We have 4 common needs that are bodies and mind try to fulfill. (Discussion for another day) 2 of which can be satisfied internally. 2 needs require interpersonal contact to fulfill and these 2 needs represent the largest unmet needs in humans today.
Be someone’s hero on your path to success, do something significant for others as your pursuing your goals and you will have success with significance. A life truly worth living.

A life with NO REGRETS is a balanced life of both SUCCESS AND SIGNIFICANCE.

I truly believe that our Instructors at Victory Martial Arts live this balance and you can see it when they teach kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu, Self Defense, Kids classes or any of our classes.

Hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading this. You were on my heart today and this message was so big I needed to share it. Feel free to share it too…

In your Corner,

Dion Riccardo

Founder Victory Martial Arts

Victory Martial Arts Chicago
329 W 18th St
Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 909-7751

Victory Martial Arts Forest Park
1401 Circle Ave
Forest Park, IL 60130
(708) 524-1553

Victory Martial Arts Naperville
1003 W Ogden Ave
Naperville, IL 60565
(331) 330-7501

Victory Martial Arts Orland Park
15414 S 70th Ct
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 275-4250

Victory MMA Gyms Chicago-Midway
5101 South Keeler
Chicago, IL 60632
(773) 957-8040


Click a Martial Arts Program Below for more details.

Training MMA Classes is Exciting. You learn all aspects the Sport and the workout is Fast Paced.

mixed martial arts

When you take a Kickboxing Class from one of our Instructors you will be hooked

muay thai kickboxing

In Sport or Self Defense, Jiu Jitsu Classes will give you great confidence and physical stamina.


Kids love Martial Arts Classes! when taught right they learn important life skills that will give them an edge.

kids martial arts classes

The perfect balance for those who want to learn some practical Defense skills while focusing on Getting LEAN.

Self Defense Classes